Chiron in Aries 2018-2027

Chiron in Aries is one of the most important events of 2018. Chiron will enter Aries on 18 April 2018 and will leave Aries on 14 April 2027.

Chiron will move back into Pisces between 26 September 2018 to 18 February 2019.

During its long stay in Aries, Chiron does not make major any aspect with slow-moving planets. This means that Chiron will express itself freely, in all its might.

The only aspects Chiron makes to slow-moving planets are a conjunction to Jupiter in 2023 and a conjunction to the North Node in 2024.

Both Jupiter and the North Node are related to growth and expansion.

Chiron, Jupiter and the North Node in Aries will bring opportunities to heal our identity. The awareness of self-healing will increase. In the coming years, we will have more healers, shamans and energy workers.

We can have a boost of spiritual movements between 2023-2024. More people will choose to leave behind the old identification of the self and embrace a new identity, a new name, a new outlook on life. "Born again" movements can intensify.

If you are born between 1969 and 1977 you will have your Chiron return.

A Chiron return always takes place around the age of 50.

This is one of the major milestones in one's life. It is associated with a healing crisis. Around this age, you become less concerned with the material pursuits and more interested in immaterial, spiritual pursuits.

Chiron – the Key to the Zodiac

Chiron has an irregular orbit and spends more time in some signs than in others. Chiron can transit a sign in anything between 1,5 years to 9 years. Chiron spends the most time in Pisces and Aries (8 to 9 years).

This is interesting because Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and Aries the first sign of the zodiac.

Chiron spends the most time in these two signs because this is where he has to work hardest. Connecting the end of everything (Pisces) to the beginning of all possibilities (Aries) is not an easy task, but if there is someone that can embark on this journey, that is Chiron.

In this way, Chiron acts like a link between the unconscious and the conscious, between materiality and immateriality.

The same theme (of linking two different realms of existence) emerges if we study Chiron's orbit.

Chiron orbits between Saturn (the last visible planet) and Uranus (the first transpersonal planet). By orbiting between the Saturn and Uranus, Chiron links our personal experience to the collective experience.

Last but not least, the duality is also linked to mythology. Chiron was a centaur - half God, half horse, signifying the animal and the God coming together in one entity.

Whenever Chiron triggers your natal chart by transit, a healing crisis occurs.

Ultimately, Chiron's role is to break, but also to put back together different forms of existence.

Chiron is the alchemist of the zodiac. Chiron breaks everything only to find a higher, a superior order.

Chiron in Aries – the Identity Wound

Chiron in Aries is where you feel you don't have the right to be yourself. Aries is concerned exactly with the affirmation of the self but Chiron will challenge this affirmation of the self, with the purpose of finding a higher order.

Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac - is all about the individual, about impulse, passion, instinct, "Me first" attitude. Aries in where we assert ourselves, where we go for what we want, where we draw borders to express our uniqueness.

Aries is the very first sprout to emerge from the soil in the spring, choosing life, choosing to 'get out there' into the world and express itself.

Chiron is where we feel wounded, ashamed, broken and inadequate.

Chiron will challenge Aries' expression of the self, expression of individuality.

Chiron in Aries is about the greatest wounds of all – the would of identity.

The wound of identity is when we feel we don't have the right to exist. This is the most painful wounds of all because it is the most difficult to grasp.

We are all born with the wound of identity. When we are babies, we hardly have an identity. We are the result of the genetic makeup of our parents.

As we grow up, if our self-expression is encouraged, we slowly develop our unique identity.

But it's not easy. Our parents may – rightly so – see us as an extension of themselves, and may have difficulties in acknowledging that we are a different human being. It is not their fault! They do this because they want to protect us.

But trying to force the child to become anything else but what they were born to be, it is incredibly damaging to the sense of the child's self. Stifling a child's individuality is more damaging on a long-term than neglect and even violence.

People who have the most challenging forms of psychosis usually come from upbringings where they were not allowed to be themselves, to express their uniqueness.

Symptoms of the identity wound are:
  • "I am nobody" – an overall feeling of emptiness and disconnection
  • "I am not enough" – a desire to "prove" oneself
  • "If I don't fit it, I don't exist" – a desire to be liked by everyone
  • A tendency to copy other people, but at the same time a lack of defining role models
  • A desire to get unnoticed, a fear of expressing one's opinions and beliefs
  • Difficulty to connect with one's body or feelings
  • ...or in contrary, a desperation to prove one's uniqueness by behaving odd, or by adopting a strange appearance or mannerism
  • A tendency to hurt oneself, physically or psychologically - self-inflicted wounds, abuse of drugs and medication, feeling 'numb'

How to Overcome the Wound of Identity with Chiron in Aries

What can you do about your feelings of worthlessness? Can the wound of identity be healed?

No achievement, no money or glory can heal this wound – because being alive, being you it's not about becoming something you are not, but is about learning to accept that it is OK to be you!

Chiron in Aries will ask us to address and heal – once and for all – the wound of identity, a wound that we are all born with.

Chiron in Aries is about taking responsibility for your existence, is about being present with your wounds, with your pain and with your shame.

Chiron in Aries will push you to be you and show yourself despite the pain. You are going to feel it, no doubt. But no matter what, you need to show yourself, do what you need to do, take a step forward, to BE YOU.

You are Here for a Reason

Your existence is the very proof you deserve to BE. There is a reason why out of millions of genetic possibilities, it was YOU who made it.

Yes, not only you have the right to exist, but you are here for a reason. You were born with a unique mission.

You were born to express the divine in your unique way, to live through your unique gifts, talents, and skills. You are much more than you think. The stars, the whole universe collided so you could be here today.

"I finally found my real name
I won’t be me when you see me again
No, I won’t be my father’s son
I’m more than you know
I’m more than you see here
More than you let me be
I’m more than you know
A body in a soul
You don’t see me but you will
I am not invisible
U2 - Invisible"

When you allow your true self to shine through, there is no more pain, there is no more wound. You achieve self-realization.

Self-realization happens when all the broken parts of you come together to form a whole.

But you need to put ALL these parts together. Yes, even those you are ashamed of. They are part of you too, they are part of your story.

By allowing them to exist, you allow yourself to exist. And this is how you find the key, the higher order, the higher meaning of your existence.

The book of ZOHAR

Pocket edition