Start before you're ready

Aries is the 'Start before you're ready' energy. Action, impulse, expressing your true self, are rewarded when the Sun shines from Aries. The New Moon in Aries will bring the clarity you need to act according to your agenda. No time for hesitation!

The New Moon in Aries is closely conjunct Uranus, the planet of freedom and surprises. Uranus is, in fact, the signature of this New Moon, so expect the unexpected!

I was in Costa Rica, coming back from the jungle to catch my flight back to Europe. I was in the middle of nowhere, with no network connection, and could see no way to get to the airport in time to catch my flight. When I was losing all my hope, a taxi appeared out of nowhere literally in the last minute. I was saved!

A New Moon conjunct Uranus is just like the taxi that comes when you least expected it. Like that text message you receive when you thought it's all over. Like that email in your inbox landing with an offer that you just can't refuse.

Mercury goes direct

Mercury is going direct on the same day. So we have two reasons to celebrate: the beginning of a new cycle of manifestation (the New Moon) and Mercury direct!

Mercury direct will bring you the must needed clarity. The last three weeks must have been confusing and irritating - Mercury has been retrograde since March 23. Mercury retrograde in Aries brings a lot of irritation because Aries wants to act, but Mercury retrograde cannot keep up with Aries' effervescence.

When Mercury is retrograde, it is in fact, crossing the same area of the sky three times, asking you to revisit, and revisit... and revisit the same topics, over and over again, until you gain a new perspective, until you 'get it'.

Mercury going direct at the time of the New Moon is a promise. Is a promise that this time you can get it right.

Even if everything seems wrong, you still have a chance to make it right. Yes, change is possible, even when you lose all the hope.

You already know the truth

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary"
Steve Jobs

You may be familiar with the Steve Jobs' story. Despised by many, Steve was a man who lived his truth and created something outstanding not only for his times but for generations to come. He was not successful from the beginning – in fact, he lost everything several times. But in the spirit of true Aries entrepreneurship (he had Mars and Moon in Aries), he started again, and again, and again. Every new beginning was a little bit different. And then he finally 'connected the dots'. The rest is history.

There are few lessons we can learn from Steve Jobs that resonate with the energy of the New Moon in Aries:
  • Follow your heart and intuition "you already know what you want to become"
  • The so-called normality does not define you - "don't be trapped by dogma"
  • Live your own truth - 'everything else is secondary'
  • Be persistent: start again, again, and again... but don't repeat the same mistake twice
  • Be open-minded - when you start again, start with a beginner's mind
  • Embrace your failures - your biggest pain can be in fact your greatest gift

With Uranus, you HAVE to beam your light out. Go for your truth, even if you are not prepared for what's next. Trust the divine insight.

Clarity comes from engagement, not thought. Clarity doesn't come from doing more of the same thing, nor from doing the same thing over and over again. It comes from you being fully present. It comes from connecting to your heart, to that divine spark of light. That insight that will show you exactly what you need to know.

We are living interesting times

The New Moon happens just a few days before Chiron moves into Aries and is the last New Moon in Aries to take place before Uranus moves into Taurus.

"May you live interesting times" is one of the most severe Chinese curses. It definitely doesn't sound like a curse, at least not by Western standards. But there is a deeper meaning to it. We all know that right not there is an abundance of choices everywhere. There is so much we can achieve – in terms of finances, career, education, traveling, relationships and even spirituality. All this abundance of choice leads to lack of clarity. Hence, the curse. Scientists have backed this up – when we have too much choice, our brain gets confused and we become unhappy.

Uranus in Aries has brought a lot of chaos, and also a lot of opportunities. Now, that we are moving towards the end of the transit, you may wonder "What was this all about? What does it mean to me?"

You may feel an urge to get things straight, to make it right. Before a chapter of your life closes, you want to enter a new chapter of your life 'in good standing'. You want to feel that you have done your best.

But you may not know what exactly you need to do, what exactly you should focus on, what it is that you need to 'fix'.

The New Moon in Aries will bring you the breakthrough and the clarity you were waiting for.

Clarity comes when you least expect it

You can get whatever you want if you open yourself to the possibilities which are found beyond what the mind thinks it's possible. In that place of light, freedom, ultimate love and higher awareness – there is an answer to everything. Possibilities are endless.

The insight always comes, but it comes when you least expect it.

And there is a reason for that. Imagine you anxiously wait for an answer, for a specific outcome. In that space of anticipation, you are in fact trying to frame your reality. How can the divine light come to you? Even if it comes, you will not be able to see it, because you focus all your energy somewhere else.

The divine insight can ONLY come when you least expect it. It is only when your mind is free of expectations, that impossible becomes possible.

Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained

The Sabian symbol of the New Moon is "Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained". What a great metaphor for this New Moon in Aries, featuring Uranus and Mercury going direct!

When Mercury changes course things change their course as well. You have the chance to revisit something from the past and 'make it right'. But if you want a different outcome, you have to approach it differently. Imagination is the best way to create new possibilities.

The mind must first 'imagine' what will then be able sooner or later to actually experience.

Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, representing the higher intellect, the genius trapped inside each one of us, the divine quality of your mind. You can manifest whatever you put your mind to! If you can dream it, you can do it.

Uranus wants to liberate your mind from dogmas so you can think different. Think about a lost opportunity. Something you wanted to have a different outcome. Can you imagine different ways of approaching it? When you get clear about the outcome you are expecting, you can find endless ways of getting there!

New Moon in Aries – What does it mean for you

A shift has already taken place. You know you can no longer ignore it.

The New Moon in Aries is closely linked to Uranus's transit in Aries. Reflect on the last 7 years of your life – what are the major themes? The New Moon in Aries will be the "final act", the conclusion, your greatest insight.

Imagine you read a novel - each chapter introduces a new character. In the last chapter of the book, all characters come together. The dots get connected. The big picture is revealed. Same with your life.  If you want to understand the deeper meaning, you have to go through all the chapters of your life, in order.

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever"
Steve Jobs

The book of ZOHAR

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