Uranus in Taurus

I don't even know how to start this month's blog about the Astrology of May, but I promise you that the May 2018 is going to be a month to remember. The month of May might not have started very eventfully (I know, the 1st week of May was pretty quiet – there was was literally not one single major transit)... but things will soon change, and will change BIG time.

Let's put it this way: the first third of May is the silence before the storm. Mid-May is the storm! And the last week of May (when we have a beautiful Jupiter - Neptune trine) is the blessing after the storm.

The event of the month is by far, the ingress of Uranus into Taurus. Unless you are older than your mid-80s, you were not even born the last time  Uranus was in Taurus. Uranus takes 84 years to go around the zodiac, so when it changes signs, it brings big changes.

Last time Uranus changed signs and moved into Aries was 11 March 2011... Fukushima happened on the same day. I don't want to scare you, Uranus transits are not always bad, but I just want to make you aware of the magnitude of this transit.

You have probably heard it before, and I will remind you again: with Uranus, you can only expect the unexpected. Uranus is the most unpredictable planet. It is the box of chocolates of the zodiac – with Uranus, you never know what you are going to get. What you can be sure though, is that what you will get will bring positive changes in your life, in the long run. Uranus might shake you at first, but Uranus ALWAYS brings freedom and liberation so you can live more authentically and purposefully.

Let's have a look at the most important aspects of the month of May 2018:

May 7th 2018

We have the first transits of the month on May 7th 2018: Mercury (21° Aries) is square Pluto in Capricorn, and Venus (16° Gemini) is square Neptune in Pisces. Some little things might start to bother you. Maybe a colleague tries to outsmart you at work, or your partner has stinky breath in the morning.
Try to stay with these feeling of frustration of dissatisfaction. Try to understand where are they really coming from. What is really bothering you? What needs to change? Squares show you different angles of a problem, so you can take action, and do something about it.

May 9th 2018

On May 9th 2018 the Sun (18° Taurus) is opposite Jupiter in Scorpio. Sun in Taurus is the Builder; Jupiter in Scorpio is the Anthropologist. Sun in Taurus wants to build, Jupiter in Scorpio wants to dig. This conflict will push you to find true stability in your life. The strongest buildings have solid foundations: it is equally important to build on the ruins of the past, AND to erect new structures, designed to better meet your current needs and circumstances.

May 11th 2018

On May 11th 2018 the Sun (21° Taurus) is trine Pluto in Capricorn. This is a power transit, so make sure you take advantage of it! Today you can get crystal clear about what you should focus your energy on. As a result, you can get a lot done with minimum effort, expense or waste.

May 12th 2018

On May 12th 2018 Mercury (28° Aries) is square Mars in Capricorn. This transit is the interlude to Uranus' dramatic entrance into Taurus. Both Mercury and Mars will square Uranus – Mercury immediately before, and Mars immediately after Uranus' ingress into Taurus. So basically Uranus is sandwiched between Mercury and Mars.

Mercury is about talking and Mars is about action, so when these two get into friction you are asked to walk the talk. Mercury square Mars will point where you are not walking the talk in your life. You don't have to feel bad about not always walking the talk. You have some reasons for feeling less committed to a particular thing in your life.

Maybe there is something that doesn't excite you that much anymore, so it is difficult to put your heart where your mouth is. But rest assured, Uranus will change that. Uranus is the breeze of freshness you were longing for.

May 13th 2018

On May 13th 2018 Mercury applies a conjunction to Uranus just before moving into Taurus. Imagine, Mercury and Uranus meet at the last degree of Aries. This will be the 'final act' of Uranus's transit into Aries. In which house you have Aries in your chart? Get ready to have a revelation about that particular area of your life. Mercury conjunct Uranus will show you what Uranus in Aries was all about.

May 15th 2018

May 15th 2018 is the big day. We have a New Moon in Taurus and just 3 hours later, Uranus enters Taurus! New Moon = new beginnings and Uranus changing signs = major new beginnings. I will cover this very important transit in future blog posts. But just keep in mind that this is BIG. Something in your life will shift. If you have planets or angles in the first degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) you will feel the shift even stronger.

May 19th 2018

On May 19th 2018 Venus enters Cancer. Cancer is a sensitive, nurturing and maternal sign. Wherever you have Cancer in your chart, you feel 'at home'. With Venus in Cancer, your love relationships can become more intimate, more connected. Venus also rules money and finances so you can become more careful with your money in the coming weeks. If your Venus is in Cancer, you will have your Venus return, which will mark the beginning of a new cycle in matters of love, relationships, and finances.

May 21st 2018

On May 21st 2018 Sun enters Gemini. Happy birthday to all Geminis out there! This is the time of the year when opportunities arise everywhere in nature. No one knows better than a Gemini how to seize opportunities – the Sun transit through Gemini is an invitation to be curious, explore the world with a beginner's mind, and find what works and what doesn't through trial and error.

May 25th 2018

On May 25th 2018 Jupiter in Scorpio is trine Neptune in Pisces. This is a wonderful transit and although it may not bring big changes in your life (not that you need more changes now, with Uranus shaking your life...), it will make you feel more at ease, more in touch with your spiritual nature.

This transit is all about faith – and a reminder that whatever you dream of, IS possible and achievable. If you have planets around 16° in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) you will especially benefit from this blissful transit.

May 29th 2018

On May 29th 2018 we have a Full Moon at 8° Sagittarius. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is not engaged in any strong aspect. There might be a sense of confusion about what to do next, now that Uranus changed signs and your life was turned upside down. Listen to your intuition! The ruler of the Full Moon, Jupiter is engaged in a beautiful water trine with Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Cancer, helping you with a smooth transition.

May 30th 2018

On May 30th 2018 Mercury enters Gemini. Mercury has been busy like a bee this month. He changed signs three times! Mercury was at 13° Aries on May 1st, on 14th of May Mercury moved into Taurus, and end of May finds him already in Gemini! Things can happen so fast this month, that you don't even have time to make proper sense of what's going on. Wait until Mercury goes retrograde in July to get a clear retrospective of the May events.

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