Mars retrograde!

Can you believe we are almost halfway through the year? In 2018 we had an unusual amount of time with all planets in direct motion. Time went by so fast!

The 2nd half of the year will be pretty much the opposite. Things will start to slow down already this month as Mars, the planet of action, goes retrograde. Mars retrograde is not common, that's why it's much more significant than let's say, Pluto or Uranus retrograde. Yes, even more important than Mercury retrograde.

If transpersonal planets spend almost 50% of the time in retrograde motion, if Mercury spends 20% of time retrograde, Mars only spends 9% of time retrograde! So this is going to be big, especially because Mars retrograde is also closely linked to this summer eclipse season.

But let's have a look at the most important aspects of the month of June 2018.

On 5 June 2018 Mercury is conjunct the Sun. We are in the middle of the Mercury synodic cycle that started on April 1st 2018. Mercury is now in the heart of the Sun. The Mind the Self become one. Time to ask (Mercury) yourself (Sun) some questions: Who are you? Who are you, really - behind conditionings, false identities, rigid beliefs and preconceived ideas?

On 6 June 2018 Venus, now at 20° Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Venus in Cancer is about nurturing love and emotional comfort, and Pluto in Capricorn is about power and ... well, power.

Venus opposite Pluto can mean anything from wearing a perfume to seduce your boss, to obsessing over your 7th-grade crush. Your relationships can undergo some tests - this is your opportunity to face your fears and embrace the darker side of love.

In the same day, Mercury at 16° Gemini is square Neptune in Pisces. Right now Mercury is moving at the speed of light (more than 2° in a day) so you may just get a quick glimpse of this transit – an inspiring idea, a confusing conversation, a mind-blowing youtube video – some apparently trivial event will shift your perspective about life.

On 13 June 2018 we have a New Moon in at 22° Gemini. The New Moon is separating from a square to Neptune and from a quincunx to Pluto. New Moons in Gemini are about understanding the duality of life. Things are not black or white, they are black AND white. Opposites do not only co-exist but are a condition of life.

The New Moon in Gemini only makes aspects to transpersonal planets – you can make the best out of this New Moon if you go with the universal flow and follow the path of least resistance. The New Moon is great for starting something to help you integrate what you have learned in the last couple of months.

On 15 June 2018 Venus, now at 1° Leo is square Uranus in Taurus. Venus is love and relationships, and Venus in Leo is about authentic love and relationships. Uranus will shake your beliefs about what authentic love and relationships really are.

There is no reason to fear this transit, because Uranus ultimately brings divine insight and truth. It is much, much more to this aspect than you will be able to grasp on June 15 th. That's because Venus and Uranus have an intense relationship this year.

Between September – November Venus will oppose Uranus three times – that's a very long transit. This is going to be 'interesting', to say at least! On June 15 th. you will only get the first glimpse of this energy.

On 18 June 2018 Neptune goes stationary retrograde at 16° Pisces. When a slow-moving planet changes direction, we feel the energy stronger than at any other time during the year.

Neptune is the planet of inspiration, dreams, ideals, illusions and delusions. Neptune challenges your reality to show you there is another reality you were not even aware of. You can call it an illusion and dismiss it as flimsy. Or you can get inspired to find a higher order and a higher meaning in what you're doing.

Neptune is about in-betweenness. Neptune is not Pluto, it is not black or white - it has a little bit of every color. Don't take it all in, but don't dismiss it either, because if you do, Neptune will completely dissolve what you think your reality is.

Neptune transits can make you feel lost, but instead of being afraid of getting lost, take this transit as an opportunity to discover new dimensions and new possibilities.

On 21 June 2018 Sun enters Cancer, bringing us the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun is reaching an all-time high or an all-time low in the sky.

This is a turning point, a time to reflect on what you have been doing in the 1st half of the year and what you plan on doing going forward.

In the same day, Venus is opposite Mars. Venus and Mars started a cycle on October 5, 2017 and the Venus-Mars opposition means we are half way through this cycle. Venus and Mars are all about relationships.

The energy of the solstice combined with the energy of Venus opposite Mars suggests that this is the time to make some decisions in your relationships. But there is more to come – don't forget that both Mars and Venus are going retrograde this year.

On 26 June 2018 Mars goes retrograde at 9° Aquarius. Mars retrograde will last for 2 months – Mars will go direct on 27 August at 28° Capricorn.

Unless you have the patience of a saint or the inner peace of a monk, this transit is going to push your buttons.

When Mars is retrograde, it is, in fact, the closest to the Earth in its cycle. This means it will influence you stronger.

And you know what Mars stands for: assertion, action, fire, heat, war!

Mars is suuuper important this summer not only because it is retrograde, but because it activates the 27 July  Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. Mars will be in fact less than 1° away from the Lunar Eclipse!

This is the most powerful eclipse of the year and Mars plays the lead role. Mars is not only about impulsiveness and anger, Mars is also about being true to your intentions.

Some of your actions or other people's actions might surprise you – but is important to remember that behind anger and resentment, behind harsh words and fists, your actions (or other people's actions) come from a place of truth. There is a reason why you lash out. Mars will bring that reason to the surface, so you can work with it, and deal with it.

There is so much to talk about Mars retrograde and this July Eclipse – I will dedicate at least few blog posts to explore these themes in detail.

On 27 June 2018 Sun in Cancer is opposite Saturn in Capricorn. Cancer is all about security and comfort, and Capricorn is about going into the world and making a name for yourself. Sun represents your unique Self, what makes you special. Pluto is about the higher powers you can't do anything about.

Sun opposite Pluto will ask you to get out of your shell, to step outside your comfort zone. 100% security is an illusion. The higher the walls you're trying to build around yourself, the more dramatic the demise of your establishment will be.

Pluto is a call for authenticity, but not the type of authenticity "this is who I am, take me or not". It is about being authentic while fulfilling your mission. It is about finding the right role for you to play in this world. Doing what society expects you to do is not about losing yourself – but about growing up and taking responsibility for your life.

On 28 June 2018 we have a dramatic Full Moon at 6° Capricorn. The Full Moon is conjunct Saturn, and this is, in fact, the first Full Moon we have since Saturn moved into Capricorn in December last year.

You will now see the pure manifestation of Saturn in Capricorn. Both Moon and Saturn are material planets, and while the Moon is about your private life and Saturn is about the society, Moon and Saturn share many things in common.

Moon and Saturn are both about taking responsibility. If you neglect your body's (Moon) rhythms – sleep, food – you cannot function. If you neglect the role you are expected to play in the world (Saturn) sooner or later, you run into problems.

A Saturn conjunct Full Moon is about taking responsibility, in fact, taking a LOT of responsibility for your life. Have a look at the house you have Capricorn in your chart to see what you need to take responsibility for.

On 30 June 2018 Mercury enters Leo and squares Uranus. Uranus is at 1° Taurus, so any planet that moves into Leo is going to square Uranus. Mars and Venus already did it, now Mercury, and the Sun will follow soon. These personal planets transits are a wake-up call for authenticity.

With Mercury square Uranus, you may feel an urge to express yourself, to tell everyone what you really think. The transit favors intellectual work and communication. If you've been feeling stuck or bored, this is the spark of genius you were waiting for.

Although you can feel more inspired and hyped up than ever, try to stay away from arguments or from winning for the sake of winning. You will feel the energy stronger if you have personal planets or angles around 1° in the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius).

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