Astrology for August

How are you recovering after the intense lunar eclipse on July 27? Things will be a little less intense in August, but not for too long, because on August 11 we have yet another eclipse in the sign of Leo.

We have a record of 6 planets retrograde in August: Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. That’s a lot or retrograde energy! Although retrograde planets slow things down, they also teach us to act more thoughtfully - and be better humans, in general. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Overall, August is a MUCH better month than July. We have less drama, even with 6 retrograde planets, thanks to some positive supporting aspects which I will detail below.

The Full Moon on August 26 is gentle and healing and VERY different from the Full Moon / Total Lunar Eclipse in July. There is hope!

But let’s have a look at the major astrological events of the month:

On August 1st, 2018 Mars is square Uranus. This is the 2nd Mars-Uranus square in the cycle -  the first one was on May 16, immediately after Uranus entered Taurus. That was an unsettling day for many of us.

This 2nd square won’t be much easier, but because Mars is retrograde and Uranus is stationary (preparing to turn retrograde) the effects will be less “in-your-face”.

In fact, you now can get a completely different perspective on something you started or experienced mid-May. But the final outcome of this aspect will come on September 21st - there is more to come!  

On August 6th, 2018 Venus enters Libra, its rulership sign. That’s great news because Venus loves being in Libra! This is when she gets crystal clear about what she wants, and this is where she can exercise her charm with self-confidence and purpose.

Venus will spend a pretty long time in Libra due to the retrograde. I know, we have Mars retrograde, Mercury retrograde, and now I’m telling you Venus will go retrograde as well? The good news is that Venus will not go retrograde until October 4, so no need to worry too much about it... yet.  

Venus will move back into Libra from November 1st until December 3rd. This means Venus will spend more than 2 months in Libra in total, so if you have personal planets or angles in Libra (especially in the last decan) this transit will be huge for you.

The goddess of love reaches her greatest elongation on the 17th of August. Basically, she will now rise as an evening star farthest away from where the Sun is setting. In this phase, Venus is all by herself, unconcerned with what the Sun wants from her. This won’t last long though. Venus will soon realize that this is as far as she can go.

In the same way, you can experience an “and now, what?” type of feeling. Now that you got what you wanted, you may realize that the price you paid was not really worth it if you have no one to share it with. And because Venus hates being all by herself, she will soon start to slow down and find her way back to the Sun.

On August 7th, 2018 Venus in Libra is trine Mars in Aquarius. In the same day, Uranus goes retrograde. Venus, Mars and Uranus will have a very interesting ‘triangle’ relationship in the 2nd half of the year. Venus will square Mars twice, and then trine it twice, and will oppose Uranus three times!

These transits will initially bring disruptions, and later freedom and authenticity in relationships.

On August 9th, 2018  Sun is conjunct Mercury retrograde, marking a new Mercury synodic cycle. Even if Mercury is retrograde, contrary to the beliefs, today is a good day to start a new Mercury-related project.

The only condition is to start by planting the intention (don’t bring your project to the world yet). So you can think about it, go to the drawing board and plan it. But don’t make official announcements, or launch it on social media. Wait until Mercury becomes visible 10 days later to do that.

In the same day, Venus in Libra is square Saturn in Capricorn. This is normally a gloomy transit, but because now both Venus and Saturn are in the signs of their rulership, they both act from their ‘higher planetary selves’. They can basically agree to disagree.

Libra and Capricorn are cardinal signs so they will push you to take action. You know what you want, now it’s time to go and get it!

On August 11th, 2018 we have a New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 18° Leo. The eclipse is conjunct Mercury retrograde and quincunx Pluto. Long forgotten memories can come to the surface and find a new meaning. Solar eclipses are about starting afresh from the dust of the past.

This is a partial solar eclipse linked to the solar eclipse of July 2000. What was going on in your life back then? Similar themes may resurface, but now you have an opportunity to see things in a new light.

Needless to say, you will be affected if you are a Leo, if you have Leo ascendant, or if you have other personal planets or angles in Leo.

On August 12th, 2018 Mars retrograde moves back into Capricorn. If your life has been turned upside down at the eclipses, now the universe is giving you a second chance to make things right.

That’s right! A solar eclipse leveraging Mars, the planet of action means you CAN start again. You CAN turn things around.

The 2nd half of August is better than the first half, and definitely much better than July. Phew!

August 19th is a wonderful day. Mercury finally goes direct and life starts to flow a little bit smoother.
On the same day, we have the last Jupiter-Neptune trine. This is one of the most positive aspects of the year bringing beauty and healing in our lives.

Jupiter, and Neptune especially are slow moving planets and although they won’t affect us on an individual level, they set the overall trends, thus shaping the future of our everyday lives. Jupiter and Neptune are in sensitive, feminine water sings so they are all about emotions, depth, beauty, and feminine expression.

Just look at the trends! When it comes to the catwalk, for example, I’ve never seen so many fluid, floral, colorful, feminine designs in years. And apparently liquid clothes(Jupiter and Neptune are in water signs) are the newest trend for this summer!

Should I mention the best selling artist of the year is Ed Sheeran? Ed is notoriously famous for his rich vocals and romantic, lyrical songs. I personally love his music. Thank you, Jupiter and Neptune!

When we are bombarded on a daily basis with fake or fear-inducing media, don’t forget that underneath it all, the world is a beautiful place.

On August 23rd, 2018 Sun moves into Virgo. Happy birthday to all the Virgos out there! As the Sun is approaching the equinox, it’s time to reflect on what we have done so far this year. There is still time to adjust and improve.

Virgo is an earth mutable sign, that’s why is associated with analysis, productivity, and adjustment. In nature, now is time to water, prune and improve the outcome of the harvest.

On August 25th, 2018 we have a grand Earth trine between Sun, Uranus and Saturn. When I said the 2nd half of August will be much better, I meant it!

Grand trines are the most positive aspects in astrology, bringing joy, harmony, and balance. Unless you thrive on struggle, you are going to love this sense of flow and ‘rightness’.

Saturn represents structure while Uranus represents freedom. The Sun is You. The grand trine will bring you the opportunity to strike the right balance between structure and discipline, and freedom and authenticity. You will benefit from this transit if you have planets around 2° in feminine signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

On August 26th, 2018  we have a Full Moon in Pisces. I absolutely love this Full Moon which comes as a well-deserved relief after the intense eclipse season!

The Full Moon forms a beautiful kite aspect, engaging with the Sun-Saturn-Uranus grand trine. Kites are dynamic aspects which bring opportunities. If you have planets around 2° in feminine signs, you will be offered an opportunity. Make sure you don’t miss it!

On August 27th - Mars goes direct! It’s been a long two months, so pat yourself on the shoulder. You made it! You survived a challenging, eclipse-infused Mars retrograde. Mars retrograde tested your inner strength, but as a result, you’ve become more resilient and powerful than ever.

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