Full Moon In Aries

No matter what, keep going.

The Full Moon in Aries on September 25 is conjunct Chiron and square Saturn.

The Moon and Chiron are braced together in the first two degrees of Aries, at the beginning of the zodiac.

The Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron is vulnerable. It’s like a kid in the 1st day of school. Remember when you did something for the 1st time? Remember the feelings of vulnerability and anticipation? “I am really able to do this?” “What if others think I’m a loser?”.

Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac and normally he doesn't care about what others think of him or her. However, right now the Moon in Aries is conjunct Chiron. Chiron feels like an outcast because he IS different. He is an amazing, gifted teacher but he doesn’t know that yet.

Also, the Full Moon in Aries is opposite the Sun and Mercury in Libra, and Libra does care about what others think.

The cherry on the cake, if we could say this, is an almost exact square from Saturn.

Saturn is in Capricorn where he fully embodies his traits: the tough teacher who obeys the rules and is here to show you that you should, too.

How can you be yourself (Moon in Aries), be mindful of others (Sun in Libra) and also fulfill the expectations of the society (Saturn in Capricorn)?

The answer? Be vulnerable. When you embrace your vulnerability, your awareness increases. So what if you haven’t done it before? When you stay present you pay attention. You become more aware of subtle clues from your environment.

The Full Moon in Aries is not about the usual Aries energy: hey this is me, take me as I am. It’s not about entitlement. It’s about being mindful, being aware, it’s about approaching life with a beginner's mind.

There is a more subtle message to this Full Moon. That is to stay strong in the face of adversity and follow your north star, no matter what.

Whatever you do, keep going. Do you feel resistance? Break through it.

No matter how the world tries to bring you down, keep going. Don’t go against it, learn from the others, adjust, but keep going.

You can make it.

Yes, you should listen to other people’s feedback. During the Libra season, we naturally pay more attention to the other. But in the end, it’s all about you.

Will you keep going even when it gets tough?

The ruler of the Full Moon, Mars, is in Aquarius, makes positive aspects to Sun and Mercury, now in Libra. The secret is to stay level-headed and not to take things personally. I warn you, it won’t be easy. When Chiron is conjunct the Full Moon, things are anything but easy.

But Chiron, the wounded healer, is also the wisest teacher. Your deepest wound is your greatest gift. Sometimes we do have to go through some pain and suffering so we can arise stronger, wiser and better.

When good things happen to us, we think it’s luck...but we forget about all the hard work that got us there.

You may know that most people who inherit or gain a large sum of money waste it. That’s because they haven't earned it themselves. The only things that matter in the end are the ones we earn with our sweat and blood.

Life is challenging from time to time and will push out of our comfort zone. That’s how we learn to appreciate it.

And no matter what, keep going.

The book of ZOHAR

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