Astrology November 2018

The Astrology of November 2018 comes with two big events: Jupiter leaves Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius, and the Lunar Nodes leave Leo and Aquarius and moves into Cancer and Capricorn.

Jupiter is the only planet that changes signs once a year, so it sets the tone for that year. The Nodes only change signs every 18 months, and they too bring a big shift.

If that was not enough change for you, in November Uranus also changes signs, moving back into Aries to finish what he has started.

Basically, 4 important planets change signs in November: Jupiter, North Node, South Node, and Uranus. What does that mean? Lots of changes in your life. Some things that kept you busy in the last year will finally come to a resolution or start to lose their importance. On the other hand, other areas of your life will come into focus.

Venus finally goes direct which is great, but one day later Mercury goes retrograde. After Venus retrograde in Scorpio shred your heart into pieces and then put it back together into a more authentic whole, there are still things to reflect upon.

And that’s what Mercury retrograde is here for: to help you make sense of these lessons and integrate them into your life.

All in all, November is an upbeat, progressive month which can bring you lots of opportunities.

Let’s have a look at the most important events of November 2018:

November 6th, 2018 - North Node In Cancer, South Node In Capricorn

On November 6th, 2018 we have the first big event of November 2018, the Lunar Nodes changing signs.

Because the Nodes always come in pairs, when one Node changes signs, the other does also. Unlike other planets, the Nodes move backward in the zodiac (that’s why they are connected to karma and past lives). This means the North Node will move from Leo into Cancer, and the South Node will move from Aquarius into Capricorn.

The Nodes of the Moon represent the karma of the present times and bring with them the eclipses. Of course, if you have personal planets or angles in Cancer and Capricorn this collective karma will become your karma, too.

The South Node is the karma itself, the outcome of what we’ve done in the past, and the North Node is our opportunity to change our karma.

Cancer represents our home, our roots, our traditions, what makes us feel safe and nurtured. Cancer is a symbol for the mother or the nurturer. Capricorn represents the society, what we aspire towards, our career, our status, our reputation. Capricorn is a symbol for the father or the authority.

Because the South Node of the past is in Capricorn, and the North Node of free will is in Cancer, our lesson is to fix our Capricorn-related karma (authority, career, ambition, reputation, and status) through the energy of Cancer (comfort, security, building a ‘home’ whatever that means for us).

Our collective lesson for the coming 18 months is to find a better work-life balance.

November 7th, 2018 - New Moon In Scorpio

On November 7th, 2018 we have a New Moon at 15° Scorpio. The New Moon is trine Neptune. There are a lot of shifts and new beginnings connected to this New Moon. We have the Nodal shift, Uranus moves back into Libra, and Jupiter enters Sagittarius - all happening just before or just after the New Moon.

Before moving back into Aries, Uranus squares the Nodes, showing you how you are (or aren’t) in alignment with your destiny. Uranus is the bolt of lightning that has the ability to reveal something that you cannot see otherwise.

The New Moon can come with a revelation. You may decide that your life as it is no longer reflects the person you’ve become, and as a result, you will want to make some big changes.

Basically, four sectors of your life will shift. 7th of November / the New Moon in Scorpio becomes one of the most important days of the year. You are especially ‘on the radar’ if you have planets or angles around 15° in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius).

November 8th, 2018 - Jupiter Enters Sagittarius

On November 8th, 2018 Jupiter enters Sagittarius. Jupiter in Scorpio was an emotionally intense transit. Scorpio is the sign of the Underworld, so Jupiter had quite a bit of work to do out there, digging into all the hidden corners, exposing all the dirt.

But now the hard work is done. He’s been enriched by the experience. Jupiter in Scorpio ends on a glorious, healing note, with a grand water trine with Chiron (29° Pisces) and the North Node (29° Cancer).  Now that you’ve integrated your shadow, now that you've healed your soul, what will you do next?

Jupiter in Sagittarius is the light at the end of the tunnel. Sagittarius is the spark of hope that always comes after we have done the heavy inner work.

Jupiter is the natural ruler of Sagittarius so when Jupiter returns ‘home’ after an 11-year pilgrimage, a new 12-year cycle begins.

Pay attention to the house in your natal chart where Sagittarius resides. That area of your life will experience a huge boost, an important new beginning.  

November 9th, 2018 - Venus Is Trine Mars

On November 9th, 2018 Venus (at 26° Libra) is trine Mars in Aquarius. Venus is still retrograde but the trine to Mars means she is finally ‘moving forward’. Venus started her retrograde journey squaring Mars, and now, that she is preparing to turn direct, she trines Mars.

The tension of the square is finally integrated. The YIN side of your psyche (Venus) is finally in harmony with the YANG part of your psyche (Mars).

November 15th, 2018 - Mars Enters Pisces

On November 15th, 2018 Mars enters Pisces. Mars is the planet of war, action, of how we assert ourselves. Pisces is the sign of spirituality and surrender. In Pisces, Mars is the archetype of the spiritual warrior.

He still fights, but from a place of love. Mars’ transit into Pisces is a good time to ask yourself: "Are my actions coming from a place of love and compassion?". "How can I assert myself and still serve the higher good?"

November 16th, 2018 - Venus Goes Direct

On November 16th, 2018 Venus finally goes direct at 25° Libra. This Venus has been one the most consuming transits of the year. It was not easy. Uranus shook your core values.

But the storm is finally over. By now, you found the answers your heart was seeking. You made the changes. Your heart has been reborn. You are now ready to start again.

November 17th, 2018 - Mercury Goes Retrograde

Don’t start cheering quite yet. Just one day after Venus goes direct, on November 17th, 2018 Mercury goes retrograde at 13° Sagittarius. If Venus retrograde was all about processing your feelings, Mercury retrograde will help you process your thoughts.

And the truth is, our feelings and our thoughts are more related than you may think. Our perceptions lead to thoughts which lead to feelings which lead to behaviors. If you become aware of the relationship between your thoughts and your feelings, you learn how to ‘re-engineer’ your thoughts so you can change your feelings. And the other way around.   

November 22nd, 2018 - Sun Enters Sagittarius

On November 22nd, 2018 Sun enters Sagittarius. We've got so used with the heavy emotional Scorpio energy that we have forgotten how life is out of the Underworld. Jupiter has been in Scorpio for one year, and in the last two months, Venus, Sun, Mercury and the Moon have been there, too.

Now is time to move on. Sagittarius is the time to look for a spiritual meaning for our existence. Sagittarius is the sign of the teacher and the philosopher. Now is time to open up and spread the knowledge you’ve gained through your experience from Aries to Scorpio. This is the time to dream big and set high goals.

November 23rd, 2018 - Full Moon In Gemini

On November 23rd, 2018 we have a Full Moon at 0° Gemini. The full Moon is opposite Jupiter and square Mars. The ruler of the Full Moon, Mercury, is now retrograde in Sagittarius.

Mercury will make you question what you believe to be Truth (Sagittarius), pushing you to take action (Mars) and check whether this Truth is still valid (Gemini).

0° of any sign is the most powerful degree because it is where it all starts. Gemini is a curious energy, is how we experience the world with a beginner’s mind (as opposed to taking the known route).

The message? If the direction you’re heading towards doesn’t lead anywhere, take another route. What is nature telling you? Pay attention. Listen. Check the facts and adjust.

November 25th, 2018 - Neptune Goes Direct

On November 25th, 2018 Neptune goes direct at 13° Pisces. Neptune is the planet of dreams, perfection and higher love. Neptune is the lost paradise we all long for, but we cannot find within the material limitations of our existence.

When Neptun eis retrograde  we seek refuge from the bad world outside, and we retreat within ourselves.

When Neptune goes direct, we are no longer satisfied with the inside perspective.Yes, it is great to be the queen in your castle, but at some point, you get bored or even alienated within your own little world.

Neptune direct will give us the drive to seek the paradise outside ourselves. Paradise is a state of being. Neptune direct will ask you to acknowledge the miracle of your existence. Paradise can well be a place on Earth.

November 26-27th - Sun Conjunct Mercury Conjunct Jupiter

On November 26-27th, 2018 Sun is conjunct Mercury and Jupiter at 3-4° Sagittarius, bringing a lot of optimism and opportunities for growth. If you haven’t found it yet, find something to believe in.

When you find something you truly believe in, you'll naturally find a way to make it happen. You’ve probably heard this hundred of times, and the message has lost its meaning. Yet the message is more relevant than ever.

The only reason you don’t achieve what you are capable of is that
  1. you haven’t figured out your big why, your reason
  2. you have found it, but you don’t believe it's possible to achieve it.

That’s why from time to time the sky magically aligns to help you in your journey. When three ‘good guy’ planets align in Sagittarius, the sign of optimism and adventure, there are no more excuses.

Now is the time to start that big project, to take that opportunity, to go BIG. Sun, Mercury and Jupiter are here to tell you that anything is possible, as long as you believe. What are you waiting for?

November 30th, 2018 - Venus Opposite Uranus

On November 30th, 2018 we have the final Venus-Uranus opposition. Venus is now at 29° Libra and Uranus at 29° Aries. It’s been a long ride. It all started on September 12th, when we had the first Venus-Uranus opposition.  

But you made it. Today is the final BANG. The outcome of Venus retrograde. The overlooked element of Uranus in Aries. What needs to happen will happen.

What aspect (or aspects) are you looking forward to in November, and why?

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