Astrology of December

December ends 2018 on a high note. If you want to know what to expect in 2019, pay attention to what happens this month. In December 2018 it's time to reflect what do you want from the next version of yourself, and from the next chapter of your life.

Why should you pay so much attention to December?

Firstly, because in December we’re done with the retrograde planets! 2018 was probably the Year Of Retrogrades. We had a very long Mars retrograde challenging us through the summer.

When Mars finally went direct, Venus started her retrograde in October. And then again, when Venus went direct, believe it or not, one day later, Mercury went retrograde.

But on December 6 Mercury goes direct and with this, the retrograde saga is over!

I’m not saying retrograde planets are bad - not at all - in fact, we need retrograde planets in our life. We need to take time to work on ourselves and improve our lives on a regular basis. Hence, the retrogrades.

But what’s enough is enough. There is such thing as enough introspection and enough revision. Sometimes all we need is to move on, and to have the Universe on our side. Sometimes all we need is smooth sailing. December 2018 is such a month. January 2019 is such a month, too, but right now let’s focus on December.

December is the best time to dream big and envision a new reality for yourself. We have a lot of Jupiter and Neptune energy in December. And Jupiter and Neptune are the planets of spirituality, of envisioning something that doesn’t yet exists.

Jupiter has moved into Sagittarius for a month now, inviting you to dream big and explore new courses of action. In fact, not only Jupiter is in its own sign, but in December we also have 3 weeks of Sun in Sagittarius, a wonderful Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Sagittarius, and a New Moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the archer who shoots to the stars. In the same way, Sagittarius season is your time to dream big and send your intentions to the universe.

Another energy that influences December is Pisces. Neptune, the ruling planet of Pisces, makes a record number of aspects, including a conjunction with Mars, (which only happens once every two years), a square to Mercury, a square to the Sun, and a trine to Venus.

The role of Neptune is to dissolve your current reality, in order for a new reality to emerge. Neptune is the planet of the cosmos, and its role is to regularly update our earthy view of reality, with the multi-faceted, high-vibration reality of the Universe.

Neptune, the god of water, represents the potential that opens up to us when we acknowledge we are just a drop of water, and consciously throw ourselves into the ocean of endless possibilities.

But the higher knowledge, the higher love, the higher gifts that come when we surrender to the ocean come only when you completely open yourself to new ways of being or doing. There’s no such thing as ‘a little bit of Neptune’.

December 2018 is a time to dissolve old structures, old ways of being and doing. In January 2019, in the Capricorn season, you will build new foundations for the future. But now is the time to dream big, bigger than ever, and open yourself up to a completely different reality.

Let’s put it like this: if 2018 was not what you expected - what are your plans for 2019? Do you 'hope' in 2019 the stars will be better? Will you wait and see? Or will you take real action to change your life? If you do the same things you've been doing you will NOT get different results. For the sake of Jupiter in Sagittarius, no more of repeating the same old. Now it’s time to completely change your life.

December 2nd, 2018 - Venus Enters Scorpio

On December 2nd, 2018 Venus (re) enters Scorpio. That’s not a completely new energy, because we had Venus in Scorpio already in September and October. On December 17th, Venus (by then at 10° Scorpio) leaves her retrograde shadow.  No more drama. No more karmic excuses. Just pure Goddess energy.

December 5th, 2018 -  Sun Square Neptune

On December 5th, 2018 Sun in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces. This is the first kick of Neptune energy in December. The Sun is you. Neptune is the planet of infinite possibilities.

A square is a dynamic aspect, and will ask you to take action. More exactly, a new course of action. If you cling to old ways, Neptune will bring you confusion and illusions. If you open up to creative possibilities, Neptune will bring you inspiration.

December 6th, 2018 - Mercury Goes Direct, Chiron Goes Direct

On December 6th, 2018 Mercury goes direct at 27° Scorpio, and on December 9th, 2018 Chiron goes direct at 27° Pisces.

Not only we have "minus two" planets in retrograde (in December, the only planet left retrograde is Uranus) but there is something magical about Mercury and Chiron going direct one after the other, and at the same mathematical degree.

Mercury and Chiron, together with the North Node of purpose (27° Cancer) form a wonderful grand water trine.

This is a very healing configuration - you will gain deep insights into what it is that is hurting can come around these dates, as well as solutions to stop the suffering. If nothing hurts, still, take this opportunity to open up to new healing opportunities. Perhaps you can take an active role as a healer. Whatever you do now, is in alignment with the Universe, thanks to the supporting alignment with the North Node.

December 7th, 2018 - New Moon In Sagittarius

On December 7th, 2018 we have a New Moon at 15° Sagittarius. On the same day, Mars is conjunct Neptune at 13° Pisces. Don’t be fulled by the Neptunian fog! The New Moon is an active New Moon, thanks to the square to Mars.

The message? Take inspired action to make your dreams come true! Send a love letter to the Universe, and who knows, the Universe might get back to you

December 12th, 2018 - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

On December 12, 2018, Mercury re-enters Sagittarius. Mercury normally doesn’t feel at its best in Sagittarius, but because Mercury makes a conjunction to Jupiter for most of the month, this time the planet of the lower mind (Mercury) will have no choice but to finally open up to new knowledge and new ways of operating (Jupiter).

And that’s great news. If you believe your life can never change, think again.

December 21st, 2018 - Sun Trine Uranus

On December 20th, 2018 Sun in Sagittarius is trine Uranus (now at 28° Aries), and this means a last burst of Uranus in Aries inspiration. This is much welcomed before you dive into the serious Capricorn season. In fact, this is the last Uranus trine Sun in Fire signs we will have for a long time, before Uranus moves into Taurus for good in March 2019. Make sure you take advantage of it and tap into your spiritual genius.

You will benefit from this energy especially if you are an Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, or if you have other personal planters around 28° in Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius.

December 21st, 2018 - Mercury Conjunct Jupiter

On December 21st, 2018 Mercury is conjunct Jupiter at 9° Sagittarius. This is my favorite transit of the month. Normally any Jupiter conjunctions to personal planets are auspicious, but this one, especially so, because it lasts much longer than usual!

Normally a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction lasts for 2-3 days, but this one lasts for almost two months, thanks to the retrograde motion of Mercury.  That’s your chance to align your Mercury ‘lower mind’ with your Jupiter ‘higher mind’.

You will finally be able to access parts of your brain that were dormant. Or did not work well together.

Most of the time, we’re either in our Mercury mind (scientific mind, detailed-oriented, “I only believe in what I can see”) or in our Jupiter mind (intuition, wisdom, “The Truth doesn't need questioning”).

Imagine a scientist that bashes astrology because they are in their Mercury mind. They only believe in what they can prove with ‘scientific’ tools and measurements that - ironically have been developed with our lower Mercury mind - and contest knowledge that cannot be contained in a mathematical formula.

Now imagine an astrologer, who insists that Saturn transits bring obstacles and difficulties, because that’s what the old astrology texts say, and rejects recent experiences that suggest more positive angles of interpretation.

And now imagine the scientist genuinely opening up to other laws of cause and effect, while the astrologer genuinely opening up to how the latest astronomy discoveries can shed new light into astrology interpretation. That’s what Mercury conjunct Jupiter will bring.

December 22nd, 2018 - Full Moon In Cancer

On December 22nd, 2018 Sun enters Capricorn and shortly after we have a Full Moon at 0° Cancer. The Full Moon is sexile Uranus and square Chiron. Expect a lot of things to happen around this date. It’s only once a year that we have a Full Moon in her home sign, Cancer.

The Moon feels great when Full, because she reigns the night skies all by herself, away from the blinding light of the Sun. The Moon feels great when in Cancer, because this is when she does what she’s best at: nurturing, taking care of herself and others, tuning into her body and emotions.

If you’ve been neglecting your body, your emotions and your inner life, this Full Moon is the wake-up call you needed. The Full Moon can expose some hidden pains you were not aware of (Full Moon square Chiron) but will also find some creative healing solutions (Full Moon sextile Uranus).

The Full Moon is at 0° Cancer, one of the 4 cardinal degrees, the most powerful degrees of the zodiac. Everyone will feel the effects of this Full Moon, and especially so if you are a Cancer or Cancer ascendant, or if you have planets and angles around 0° Cancer.

December 24th, 2018 - Mercury square Neptune

On December 24th, 2018 Mercury in Sagittarius is square Neptune at 13° Pisces. If you opened up to the creative possibilities that the Sun-Neptune square brought you at the beginning of the month, then Mercury square Neptune will bring you more details and show you what the next steps are.

If you feel stuck in your life now it’s time to take a different route. Even if that means to change something you believe in. Even if that means to leave your job. Even if that means to abandon your lifetime goals. You change, and your goals change too. No need to cling to the old.

Your mind will resist change - expect to be confused! But if you push through resistance, if you embrace confusion, then a whole world can open up to you.

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