Astrology 2019

2019 will be more uplifting than 2018, thanks to Jupiter’s transit into its home sign Sagittarius, and also thanks to the fact that in 2019 we have much less retrograde activity than in 2018. And less retrograde = more flow, more action!

2019 is the year when the projects you started in 2018 will bear fruits. In 2018 both Venus and Mars have been retrograde, asking you to reflect on your past and renew for the future. Both Venus and Mars are ‘relationship planets’, and they describe not only how we interact with others, but also how we take action and fulfill our goals.

In 2019, Venus and Mars are in the middle of their cycle. That’s their Full Moon phase and it will take place between the 2nd half of August and the first week of September. This is when you can expect to see progress and achievements, especially in your relationships and in your creative projects.

The Lunar Nodes will spend the whole 2019 in Cancer and Capricorn. The North Node is in  Cancer, showing you where you’ve neglected yourself and the loved ones, while being caught in the rat-race (South Node in Capricorn), doing what you’re told, in a chase for a pointless pursuit.

In 2019, you will rebalance this and focus on building stronger emotional foundations, rather than working on yourself for the benefit of others.

South Node Conjunct Saturn And Pluto In Capricorn

Saturn and Pluto have been in Capricorn for a while now, but in 2019 we also have the South Node there, which will activate both Pluto and Saturn by conjunction.

Here are the ‘fatidic’ conjunction dates to be exact:
  • April 4th, 2019 - South Node conjunct Pluto at 23°Capricorn
  • April 30th, 2019 - South Node conjunct Saturn at 20° Capricorn
  • July 4th, 2019 - South Node conjunct Saturn at 17° Capricorn
  • Sept 28th, 2019 - South Node conjunct Saturn at 13° Capricorn

The Saturn - South Node conjunction will last unusually long, and Saturn and South Node are very close to each other all summer because Saturn retrograde travels at a similar speed with the South Node.

If you have planets or angles in Capricorn or Cancer, this summer you will have a full experience of Saturn conjunct the South Node. But even if you are not a Capricorn or Cancer, or don’t have planets in Capricorn or Cancer, you will still feel the energy of this aspect somewhere in your chart.

Saturn In Capricorn Sextile Neptune In Pisces

Thankfully, except for June-July when Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Cancer make oppositions with the planets in Capricorn, we don’t have any other major challenging aspects to Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node.

In fact, we have a beautiful sextile between Neptune in Pisces and the planets in Capricorn. Neptune and Saturn specifically are engaged in a year-long sextile.

The 3 exact dates for the Saturn-Neptune sextile are:
  • January 31, 2019 (Saturn at 14° Capricorn, Neptune at 14° Pisces)
  • June 18, 2019 (Saturn at 18° Capricorn, Neptune at 18° Pisces)
  • November 9, 2019 (Saturn at 16° Capricorn, Neptune at 16° Pisces)

Now we know we have a mix of challenging and supporting aspects to the planets in Capricorn, but what does this mean in practice?

What To Expect From 3 Planets In Capricorn

Capricorn is a very serious, structured sign. Capricorn rules authority and systems. Architecture is a good metaphor for the Capricorn energy. If you build a house, you need to have a vision for how the house will look, and then you need to design it in such a way that it has structural integrity, so it won’t break.

Whatever Capricorn builds, it builds to last. That’s why the financial, the educational, the political systems are all ruled by Capricorn. If you want a system of such a scale to work, you need to build it on solid foundations.

But what happens when a system becomes too solid, too unshakeable? It becomes rigid. The educational system is an example. For years we’ve been told we need to get a university degree, find a job, fit in, and that’s pretty much how the world used to work.

What about now? As a university student, you get a diploma but don’t necessarily learn the skills that will help you deal with today’s reality. Nowadays, if you rely only on the educational system, at graduation, you end up with a diploma, broke, having learned some outdated theory, and with 50-100K of student debt.

It’s clear that this system has outlived its usefulness. And the same goes with politics, health, corporations, the food industry, and so on.  

Saturn, Pluto And South Node In Capricorn

What happens when we have 3 powerful planets (Pluto, Saturn and South Node) in Capricorn, the sign of structure and systems? Let’s take them one by one:

Pluto is the planet of what’s hidden beneath the surface of our consciousness. Pluto is the planet of transformation, and when properly embraced, grants infinite power. But in the process, Pluto destroys everything that’s obsolete or unnecessary.

Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008, when we had the big financial crisis. Pluto exposed the lack of integrity of our financial system. Pluto is the reason why inflation has been kept under relative control in most parts of the world, but this doesn’t mean Pluto doesn’t have more work to do. He does, and he will. Wait for the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020!

Saturn is the natural ruler of Capricorn so Saturn and Capricorn share many things in common: structure, determination, hard work, responsibility. Saturn is the builder of the zodiac, and when in Capricorn, he likes to build even higher structures or fences.

The South Node, or the tail of the dragon, stands for karma, or for the ‘final result’. When we’re on our path, working on our North Node mission, then the South Node is the final outcome of our work.

But when we don’t feed the North Node, or fail to see the relationship between input (North Node) and output (South Node) then the South Node can come with sorrow, regret, and with an overarching feeling that we can’t escape our destiny.

When Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node come together in Capricorn we know that our financial, political, educational, and pretty much every system in place are up for a transformation.

Getting To The Core Of The Matter

Saturn builds, and Pluto destroys. South Node is the final outcome. Together, the 3 will be very careful about what they build, and what they destroy. Their work is not one of expansion, but of focus on what matters.

Will Saturn and Pluto break the existing systems, or on contrary, consolidate them? They will probably do both. This is not a Uranus transit, when everything is wiped out in one day, on a quest for radical change.

This is a slow, focused process. This is a call for minimalism.

How can we get to what really matters? How can we get to the guiding principles of structure, systems, and power? How can we build systems and structures that are still solid, but less prone to be corrupted by power?

The Saturn-Pluto-South Node conjunction will show us that it’s only the leaky foundation that will crumble, and that true power knows no destruction.

At the highest manifestation, this transit is an invitation to take full responsibility for your life, not necessarily by working harder or by playing by the rules, but by truly embracing the infinite power that lies inside you.

Become The CEO Of Your Own Life

This transit reminds me of a business owner who tried to find a CEO for his company for years and years, without success. In the end, he realized that it’s him who needs to become a CEO first. He needed to understand how a company works, what does it take to make it successful, before making someone else accountable. The lesson? Don’t outsource the CEO tasks, learn how to become a manager.

Instead of expecting the state, the politicians, the corporations to ‘make things work’, ask yourself: how can I become the CEO of my own life? How can I reclaim my power? How can I see that I already have what it takes to be who I am meant to be?

The South Node-Saturn-Pluto conjunction is our opportunity to release our Capricorn karma, and to unveil the mystery of what the purpose of power, systems, authority, and structures truly is. In 2019, you will find the quintessence of power, determination, and self-sufficiency

What Does The World Want From You?

In 2019, you will have the chance to release karma and programming that have been accumulating for generation after generation. You will finally have a breakthrough in what the world really wants from you (Capricorn).

“The court wants nothing from you. It receives you when you come, and it dismisses you when you go” - Franz Kafka, The Trial

If you haven’t read the book, “The Trial” is the story of Joseph K., an insurance official who is subjected to an unfair trial. At the time of his 30 birthday (a symbol for the Saturn return), K. is arrested and prosecuted by a remote, inaccessible authority.

The nature of his crime is revealed neither to him nor to the reader. He must defend himself against a charge about which he can’t get any information.

At the end of the book, K. is condemned to death, without knowing what crime he has committed. The book has become a symbol of the ordinary person’s struggle against an unreasoning and unreasonable authority.

At first glance, the book is all about the hopelessness of the individual against the corrupt power of the institutions (Saturn conjunct Pluto). The author of the book, Franz Kafka himself had the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in his natal chart and wrote the book at his own Saturn return, when again, transit Saturn was conjunct Pluto.

Yet, the line “The court wants nothing from you. It receives you when you come, and it dismisses you when you go” clarifies the deeper meaning of the book.

It’s not the society and its corruption that cause us harm, it’s our willingness to play along with the society’s rules and corruption, that causes all the suffering. Submitting to society’s corrupted ways is the biggest crime of them all.

K.’s trial is nothing else but the trial of his own conscience, speaking of his inability to access his inner power and to own his actions. His trial is self-inflicted.

Jupiter In Sagittarius - No Dream Is Too High

Now if all this Capricorn story sounds a bit too serious (it IS serious)... this doesn’t mean you will not have fun in 2019. With Jupiter in Sagittarius, you will have a lot of fun! There is one sector in your life that will definitely benefit from the optimistic and generous beams of Jupiter in Sagittarius.

So no worries, 2019 will be equally exciting! When Jupiter is at home, and when it makes contact with his friend Neptune (Neptune is now in Pisces, and both Jupiter and Neptune rule Pisces), everything becomes possible! Who said the sky's the limit? In 2019, there’s no limit to Jupiter in Sagittarius’ arrows!

Uranus In Taurus - A New Kind Of Self-Worth

In March 2019, Uranus moves in Taurus, to stay there until 2026. Taurus is the most fixed and unmovable sign of the zodiac. Uranus is all about change and disruption.

The result? Uranus will change exactly that part of your identity which you believed will never change. Your values. Your principles. Your modus operandi.

By the end of this transit, you will no longer be the same person. Having money and possessions will no longer satisfy you. You will find a new kind of self-worth.

Chiron In Aries - Your Wound Is Your Gift

After a short preamble, Chiron moves back into Aries, and will stay there until 2027. Chiron is the archetype of the wounded healer.

Chiron in Aries is our opportunity to heal the deepest wounds of them all, the wound of identity (Aries).

Deep inside, we all doubt that our existence matters. Chiron in Aries will show you that it’s you who decided to come into this world, and that you did it for a reason. You’ve made it here because you have a mission.

And that it’s ok to doubt your significance from time to time, because if you didn’t, you would stagnate. And we all grow, that’s just how life works.

2019 Eclipses In Cancer, Leo And Capricorn

As always, eclipses are when things are going to happen. In 2019 we have 5 eclipses:
  • January 6 - Partial South Node Solar Eclipse at 15° Capricorn
  • January 20 - Full Noth Node Lunar Eclipse at 0° Leo
  • July 2 - Total Solar Eclipse at 10° Cancer
  • July 16 - Partial Lunar Eclipse at 24° Capricorn
  • December 25 - Partial Solar Eclipse at 4° Capricorn

To see whether these eclipses will affect you directly, check if you have any planets or angles around any of these eclipse degrees. If you don’t have planets in Capricorn or Cancer, you will still feel the fateful influence of the eclipses in certain areas of your life (check where you have Cancer and Capricorn in your chart).

Mercury Retrograde In 2019

In 2019, Mercury goes retrograde through Water signs, this means that in 2019 it’s our feelings that will go under review.
  • 1st retrograde: March 5 - March 28 (in Pisces)
  • 2nd retrograde: July 8 - August 1st (in Leo/Cancer)
  • 3rd retrograde: October 31 - November 20 (In Scorpio).

Unlike 2018, 2019 is “retrograde as usual”. No more Venus or Mars retrograde, like in 2018. It’s only Mercury and the slow-moving planets that go retrograde in 2019  (and they go retrograde every year, without exception) and this means that we have less retrograde activity than usual.

That’s great news: 2019 will be less about reviewing and learning from mistakes, and more about implementation! If in 2018 you had reasons to slow down, in 2019, no more excuses.

You Have The Power

Yes, June and July will be challenging months, and yes, the Capricorn area of your chart might not be easy to navigate. But with a beautiful Jupiter in Sagittarius, with a supportive Saturn-Neptune sextile, and with no more major retrogrades, you can expect pretty much smooth sailing!

Don’t let anyone stop you from fulfilling your highest dreams, because no one, and nothing can stop you, really. In 2019, you are the CEO of your own life.

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